Google Says Quality Photos Enhance Business Listings
Well duh.
Google research has officially confirmed what we photographers already know: that websites and business listings that use great photos are more appealing to customers.
In particular, Google says that in-store photos are especially helpful on Google Business listings because they help customers know what to expect in a store—highlighting what a store has to offer and giving them a virtual peek inside the store before they visit.
To that end, Google has produced this lovely little video that offers some nice tips from a professional photographer for how to take better photos—even with a smartphone—to highlight your business. A few of those tips include:
– Natural light, and in particular daylight, tends to look best.
– Make a list of the most important, best representative items and areas of your space, then be sure to photograph them.
– De-clutter the background prior to taking pictures.
– Shoot a lot and post a variety of photos to your listing. The more the better.
– Get close, then get even closer.
To this list, of course, I might add one more thing: if you’ve got a tricky space to photograph, or if you’ve got high standards but don’t have the photography skills to match, or if you just don’t feel like DIY-ing it yourself, consider hiring a professional to do it for you. If you don’t know who to call… call us!